Funghi Gardening Wiki

The Warmer is a device to prevent Funghi from withering.


In the original game there are a total of 10 different levels of Wamers.


In Seasons there are 4 different Warmers for each season currently totalling 20.


In Deluxe there are currently 18 different warmers in total. 10 of which function similarly to the warmers in the first game, with all after the first 10 having been added through events, with most of them being unlockable through the completion of event related requests or through secret word.  It is presently unknown how the effectiveness of those outside the first 10 compare to each other (and whether their effectiveness is related to the log that shares their event).  Currently, a list of the requests or secret words needed to unlock all of them is not present. The best warmer is the Ultimate Warmer (80 Kelvin), The Tombstone Warmer and Lvl 10 Warmers are second best (65 Kelvin).
