Funghi Gardening Wiki

As of January 17, 2015, Mushroom Garden Deluxe has 15 different libraries: 13 for each of the available logs, a "Special" library of funghi obtained using special medicines, and a "Breeding" library obtained by breeding funghi under certain conditions.

Normal Log Library[]

The Normal Log in Mushroom Garden Deluxe has a library of 17 different funghi. 2 of which are the standard Funghi and Withered.

High Quality Log Library[]

The High Quality Log in Mushroom Garden Deluxe comes with a library containing 12 funghi. 2 of which are the standard Funghi and Withered, the remaining 10 are different

Rough Log Library[]

The Rough Log in Mushroom Garden Deluxe comes with a library of 13 different funghi. 2 of which are the standard Funghi and Withered, the remaining 11 are unique.

Colorful Log Library[]

The Colorful Log which was released as part of a Mushroom Garden Deluxe event comes with a library of 10 different funghi. 2 of which are the standard Funghi and Withered and the remaining 8 are unique.

A further 7 unique funghi and COL-16 Dubbs (same as CLB-10 Dubbs but with a different hat design) were added in part 2 of the event and an additional 4 unique funghi as well as Rainbow and Originator were added in part 3 of the event.
